Stanton Musical Instrument SA 12 User Manual

1 . Remove the face plate.  
1. Remove the the face plate.  
2. Remove the 2 outer screws from the  
round OS2 plate (removing the 2 inner  
screws will detach the fader from the  
2. Remove the 2 outer screws from the  
round plate (removing the  
screws will detach the fader from the  
3. Rotate the plate to the desired posi-  
tion and tighten the screws back into  
the top and bottom holes.  
3. Remove the OS2 assembly and dis -  
connect the cable coming from the  
4. Set the replacement fader assembly  
in the desired position and place the  
screws back in the top and bottom  
This unit has been designed and man - Consequently, the parts listed above  
ufactured using quality components.  
Therefore, it is warranted to be free  
from defects in materials (limited as  
specified below), and workmanship for  
a period of twelve (12) months from the  
original purchase date. During this  
period, all service and parts necessary  
to repair a defect will be free of charge.  
This limite d wa rra nty a pplie s to  
mechanical parts which are subject to  
wear and tear as specified: Faders,  
s pe cifie d dura bility: 15,000 cycle s ;  
Rotary potentiometers, specified dura -  
are warranted to be free from defects in  
materials and workmanship for a peri-  
od of thirty days (30) days from the  
original purchase date.  
For the warranty to be valid, please  
complete the warranty registration card  
attached or fill out the online registra -  
Mail completed warranty cards to:  
bility: 10,000 cycles; Switches, speci - Stanton Magnetics, Inc, 3000 SW 42st  
fie d dura bility: 10,000 cycle s. • Hollywood, FL 33312  
STANTON MAGNETICS, INC • (954) 689-8833  
w w w . s t a n t o n m a g n e t i c s . c o m  
© 2001, Stanton Magnetics, LLC  
It’s only the 3x champion, DJ Craze signature mixer! This battle mixer has the all  
the quality of a club mixer and meets all the requirements of today's Turntablist.  
After years in the making the ultimate Scratch DJ mixer is here and ready for bat-  
remove the slider assembly (C), ensuring that the wiper contacts (D) are  
not damaged as this will affect the operation of the fader. Clean the slid -  
er assembly by gently wiping the wiper contacts and slider bearings (E)  
using a tissue or cotton bud. If slider bearing are exessively worn, as indi-  
cated by exessive slider rocking then contact Stanton for replacement.  
Removable Effects Module  
The MOD1 removable effects module This switch allows you to set your cue  
includes effects: Pitch Shifter, source to PFL/Pre -crossfader,  
Flanger, and Delay. All effects have PFL/Post-crossfader, or Master. This  
adjustable parameters and levels, can unique PFL/Post-crossfader features  
be assigned (turned on / off) to all allows you to practice and cue your  
channels or master output, and can be scratches using the crossfader  
turned ON/OFF using any standard (instead of the cue pan fader) during a  
3 pos ition Cue Select  
3. Remove the single upper screw on the  
opposite end block to remove the guide rail.  
Clean the guide rail (F) with a tissue or  
cloth, removing all traces of dirt and conta -  
4. Remove the fader track (G) by slowly with -  
drawing from the unit. Place fader track on  
desk or working surface with black contacts facing upwards.  
If necessary, the track can be washed in warm water, wiped  
gently then dried thoroughly using a dry cloth. Use a lint free  
cloth or swab to wipe the tracks and check for marks along  
footswitch via the remote Start output.  
live show.  
OS2 Optical Scratch Switch  
Mic/Line Channel  
the track. (Note: Lint free cloth should be used to avoid  
These ultra quiet, non friction The SA-12s Mic/Line channel features  
phono/line switches allow you to trans- an input selector switch activating a 3rd  
form without the clicking or static noise line input (RCA) or a standard micro-  
found in other line switches. Now phone input, both controlled by a 2-  
including a special feature that locks band EQ with gain adjustment. This  
dust/fibres being deposited on the track). If the track appears  
exessively worn, or if cleaning does not improve operation,  
replacement may be necessary.  
5. Examine the center channel of the fader body and if dirty, clean using cot-  
ton buds.  
the last position of the switch.  
can also be used as a "session in" with  
volume control for linking additional  
6. Re-assemble and lubricate the fader as follows:  
6.1) Secure the end block and guide rail onto the fader body.  
6.2) Insert track into the fader body.  
6.3) Insert slider assembly onto guide rail and into the fader body. Move  
slider from end to end to disperse the oil evenly. Carefully wipe away any  
excess oil using a tissue or cloth.  
• Focus Fader V2 Digital Optical  
Crossfader (Patent Pending) with  
curve adjustment and reverse switch.  
• 3 band EQ with complete kill, Gain,  
and Pan control per channel.  
6.4) Lubricate the guide rail by placing one drop of silicon liquid oil onto  
the guide rail (F).  
Program Faders reverse switches &  
curve adjustments.  
• OS2 (Patent Pending) Optical Scratch  
6.5) Insert dust cover.  
switches with lock feature  
6.6) Insert fader track back into fader body with wires coming out open  
end of fader body.  
• Headphone mute.  
• Cue Pan Fader  
• Removable effects module (Patent  
Pending). SA-12 includes MOD1:  
Pitch Shifter, Flanger, and Delay; with  
Parameter and Mix controls.  
6.7) Secure the remaining end block ensuring that the track wires (I) are  
not pinched between the endblock and fader casing.  
• Dual headphone inputs (1/4 and 1/8  
7. Once assembled, move the slider from end to end to ensure operation is  
• TRS balanced Master output.  
• Mono-Stereo Switch.  
• Effects fully assignable  
8. Attach fader to fader plate. (NOTE: As noted earlier if you do not want to  
change positioning of fader, keep the 2 fader plate screws loose and shift  
the fader until it is aligned with the marks you created in step 1, then tight-  
en fader plate screws.)  
• Foot pedal output to control effects.  
• Output Trim control.  
• 3 position cue select (Patent Pending)  
Pre CF Cue / Post CF Cue / Master.  
• Quiet-Start feature to avoid pops /  
noise when mixer is powered on.  
• 2 line, 2 phono, and 1 mic/line (switch -  
able) inputs.  
Program Reverse.  
After constant scratch use the SA-12 faders may need to be cleaned and lubri -  
cated from time to time. This will ensure long life and keep a smooth feeling  
throughout the fader's lifetime. Follow the instructions below to lubricate and  
clean your faders:  
Removing a fader  
1. Make sure mixer is powered off and power supply is  
disconnected from back of mixer.  
. To remove the lower faceplate, take off the 3 fader  
knobs and then remove the 4 screws located on  
the sides of the mixer (2 on each side). See Figure  
1. Lift up on the faceplate and it will slide off.  
3. Remove the fader to be cleaned or replaced by  
unscrewing the 2 outer screws on the fader plate  
(removing the 2 inner screws will detach the fader  
from the fader plate). See Figure 2.  
4. Disconnect the fader from mixer by removing the 4-  
pin connector on the bottom of the fader.  
Replacing a fader  
1. Once original fader has been removed, simply plug  
the 4-pin connector into the new fader. NOTE: The  
SA-12 comes with 2 connectors, one for P+G  
faders and one for Focus Faders. Make sure you  
plug in the correct fader with the correct connector.  
See Figure 3.  
PostScript Picture  
2. Set selector switch to position of fader you are using  
(P+G or Focus Fader). See Figure 3.  
3. Place fader back in mixer and replace 2 outer  
screws to secure fader.  
Figure 3  
Cleaning a Penny & Giles fader  
1. Remove 2 mounting scews from faderplate. (NOTE:  
The P&G fader is designed with floating mounting  
threads for precise mechanical centralising of the  
fader. If you desire to keep your fader`s current  
mounting position we suggest that you make 2  
marks on both ends of the fader on the fader plate  
to indicate the P&G fader posi -  
tion.) See Figure 4.  
2. Once fader is removed from unit,  
remove the two screws (A) from  
the end of the fader body where  
the wires exit the fader casing. Pull  
away the end block. Withdraw the  
dust cover (B). Taking great care,  
Improving on the original and world's first optical fader design that brought the  
industry and art to a new plateau, the Focus Fader V2 is truly curve adjustable to  
accommodate to any style of DJ artist. Created to meet the requirements of  
todays higher standards , if your style requires a smooth fade for long mixes or a  
razor sharp cut-off for precise scratching, V2 is the answer.  
1. Mic/Line 3 level control: Controls  
the output level of the microphone/  
Line channel.  
9. Channel fader: Controls the chan-  
nel output level.  
10. Cros s fader: Fa de s the ove ra ll  
mixer output between channels 1 and  
2. See Focus Fader V2 section for  
more details.  
2. Gain: Controls the gain of each input  
Just as it's predecessor started a movement in contactless fader designs, the  
Focus Fader V2 Digital Optical Fader will continue to push the envelope. No more  
bleeding, no more static, no more wasted time, just hours of practice enjoyment  
and flawless performance.  
3. Mic/ Line 3 EQ: Individual controls  
for low and high frequency equaliza - 11. Input Level Meter: Monitors each  
tion with (+/-10 dB)  
channel’s input level with peak hold  
The Focus Fader V2 is highly advanced and opens many doors for innovations in  
DJ equipment technology. Fitted with an array of optic sensors and microproces -  
sor controlled to eliminate the need for contacts or graphite material. V2 is as pure  
as the sun rays. It will outlast any standard graphite or conductive plastic fader on  
the market. This is why the it has a limited lifetime warranty (see warranty infor -  
mation section).  
4. EQ  
Individual controls for low fre -  
quency, midrange, and high frequency 12. Cue pan : Fades the headphone  
equalization with (+9dB/Kill) Note: Any  
cha nge s ma de to EQ se ttings will  
change the overall output level.  
output between channels  
and 2,  
effectively allowing the user to preview  
a mix.  
5. FX ON/OFF: These backlit buttons  
control the signal flow of the effects  
module. Press any of the buttons sep - "PRE" position, the signal of control  
arately to turn the effects on or off for selected by the Cue pan fader will be  
Ch1, Ch2, or Mic/ Line 3. The correc - monitored (pre-line fader, pre-crossfad-  
sponding button will light up to show er) as stereo signal in the head -  
13. Cue select:On this feature, PRE  
and POST refer to the crosfader. In  
The Focus Fader V2 is history in the making.  
the effect is on. When turned on indi - phone s . The P OS T” pos ition, is  
vidually, there can only be one channel somewhat similar to the PRE” posi -  
effected. Assigning the effect toi a dif - tion, except the singal is post crossfad-  
Since the early days of DJing and Scratching the Phono/Line Switch had been an  
integral part of an artists performance. In recent years the new techniques in  
scratching have evolved to a point that surpassed the typical contact switch which  
is too noisy to use in a performance. This led to the decline of its use. In any art  
form the goal should be to move forward, the slow decline of the phono/line switch  
use was a step backwards. Introducing the OS2.  
ferent channel will turn off the effect on  
the previous channel. When Ch1 and  
Ch2 are pressed simultaneously, the  
er (pre-line fader, post-crossfader), so  
if the cue pan fader is centered, the  
s igna l re ce ive d in the he a dphone  
effect signal is sent to the master out - depends on the position of the cross -  
put, and both (Ch1 & Ch2) buttons will  
be lit. When connecting a foot pedal to  
the remote output (31), the FX ON/OFF  
buttons become assign switches and  
the foot pedal becomes the actual  
ON/OFF switch. The selected button  
will flash to show it is selected, and it  
will light up once the foot pedal is  
pressed to show the effect has been  
turned on.  
fader. In "MASTER" position, the signal  
monitored will be pre-master volume  
(post-faders), meaning the signal will  
still be present in the headphone even  
if the Master volume control is turned  
Just as the introduction of the Focus Fader V1 has changed the face of the DJ  
world for the good of all, so will the OS2. The Benefits are the same as other opti -  
cal devices, such as the Focus Fader.: 1. No more static, 2. No more bleeding, 3.  
Lots of scratching fun.  
14. Cue Level: Controls the head -  
phone output level.  
One Step Further: In addition to the sound benefits the OS2 also represents a  
Stanton innovation in it's mechanical properties as well. It is the 1st phono/line  
switch which uses a fader as the user interface. This will allow the same  
hand/wrist movement to be executed when using the crossfader and OS2 which  
in turn translates into efficiency in Scratching performance.  
15. Mas ter level control: Controls the  
6. Pan control: Controls left/right out - overall signal output level of the mixer.  
put balance of each channel.  
16. Program reverse : Reverses the  
7. Optical Scratch Switches (OS2)  
Switches between the phono and line  
signal of input channels 1 and 2. When  
switched to 2/1 channel 1 will control  
channel 2s inputs, and vice versa.  
The flat handle and soft slide action of the OS2 makes it easy to perform any exist -  
ing techniques including the Crab Scratch. The small travel and slide motion will  
be a positive tool in conditioning the hand/wrist movements to be more minute and  
precise. In conclusion the OS2 is another step forward in the Evolution of the DJ  
Culture and of course as always Scratching.  
8. Headphone mute  
Mutes the  
17. OS2 lock  
Locks the OS2 in its  
headphones without having to change  
its level.  
current position to avoid accidentally  
switching sources. Wherther the OS2  
is in phono or line, activating the OS2  
PostScript Picture  
lock will keep it there even if the OS2 is  
18. Effects: Used to select an effect.  
Effe cts include d on the MOD1a re  
Echo, Flanger, and Pitch Shifter.  
mixe d for e a s y control (a nd cool  
effect). The Pitch shifter only has one  
20. Mix: Controls the dry/wet signal(dry  
= original signal, wet = processed sig-  
nal). In the center position, the signal  
includes an exact 50/50 combination of  
both signals. Turning the knob to wet”  
will have only the processed signal,  
19. Parameter : Controls the effect  
parameters. for Echo and Flanger, the  
s pe e d a nd de pth pa ra me te rs a re  
PostScript Picture  
without the original signal.  
affected by the Master volume control.  
It can be used to record even while the  
master volume is off.  
21. Output Trim: Blue LED indicates  
whether mixer is ON or OFF.  
27. Inputs  
inputs for channels 1 and 2.  
Line and phono signal  
22. Power switch: Selects power "ON" 28. Line3 Input  
or "OFF".  
This extra line level  
input can be selected with the Mic/Line  
switch (29) and can be used as an  
extra line input or as a session input for  
team routines.  
23. AC IN: Input connection for the  
included power supply.  
24. Balanced Mas ter output  
balanced (1/4) connectors are typical- the Mic/Line3 channel to either the Mic  
29. Mic/Line3 switch: Used to assign  
ly used to connect to a P.A. mixer or an  
amplifier for live performances or a  
recording console for recording.  
input or the Line3 input.  
30. Microphone input: 1/4” connector  
output from stereo to mono (use it in  
case a channel fails on the power amp,  
cartridge, etc. it can be very useful  
channel fader. Includes bi-color LED to  
indicate the status of the reverse func -  
tion. When LED is green, the fader is  
normal. When LED is red, the fader  
direction is reversed.  
31. FX ON/OFF output: 1/4” connec -  
25. Unbalanced Master output: RCA tor, Used to connect a foot pedal to turn  
connectors are typically used to con - the MOD1 effects on or off.  
nect to a home stereo or to another  
34. Input Fader Curve Adjustment  
Adjusts the curve of the input faders  
between quick (6dB), normal (20dB),  
or long (30dB) fade.  
mixer with RCA inputs for practicing or 32. Ground connector: Connects to  
36. Crossfader Curve adjustment  
Adjusts the shape of the crossfader  
team routines. Several SA-12s, can be  
daisy chained from this output via the  
Line 3 input (28).  
the turntable ground connector to elim -  
inate electrical hum. Ground connec -  
tors usually supplied with turntables  
curve from a quick cut for scratching  
and cutting to a longer fade for mixing.  
35. Input Fader Reverse : Reverses  
the direction of each respective input  
26. REC: The record output is not  
33. Mono/Stereo: Switches the mixer  
37. Crossfader Reverse : Reverses  

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